0 uah.


Palm Code-0756

6 800 uah.
  • Overview
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Palm tree 1m high.

Graceful and at the same time majestic palm trees have been out of competition among indoor crops for many centuries. All palm trees do not tolerate drafts, especially you need to be wary of cold air when ventilating a room in winter through a window. Palm roots are very sensitive to cold, so do not place palm pots on a cold window sill or marble floor slabs. Despite the fact that some palm trees come from dry areas, they are all moisture-loving, so watering is plentiful in summer, almost every day, and moderate in winter. In any case, the ground should be moist all the time, but not damp. Watering directly depends on the air temperature, for example, when keeping a palm tree in a very cool room in winter - about 5-7 ° C, the plant is watered little by little and very rarely, or watering is replaced by spraying.

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